This film right here, I knew it was going to be bad before I even started it. I feel bad carrying these feelings into a viewing of a film before watching it, but for this..... it hit to close to home. Silent Hill is one of my favorite series... so I have to preface this beforehand, just so that I can express what a let down this movie is. I'm also not that picky about what has been released as many. I like pretty much every game and soundtrack, including Downpour and Silent Hill 4. I also enjoyed the first Silent Hill movie thoroughly. Sadly, this movie is a complete wreck compared to any of these other releases and let me explain why.
This film is more conventional form of Silent Hill 3, following a re-imagining of Heather's story line in the video game. If this wasn't already bad enough, they had to also create a boy-toy/boy-friend character (I can't really pin him down as his role in the film is very very very rough) and made Heather a high-schooler. These elements magnify the films extraordinarily shallow interpretation of Silent Hill 3's story line, not even grasping the Otherworld element, or the cult aspect, or even glimpsing the unsettling ambiance that anything else in the franchise has achieved.
The plot and dialogue are dog shit, the execution dog shit, with the only thing being of interest the gore and special effects (which are not at all aspects of which that make the Silent Hill franchise such effective pieces of art). The plot consists of Heather seeing jarring hallucinations of little creative value, until around 40 minutes in when the bell starts to ring and Heather walks around the ash laden landscape of this versions re-imagining of the Silent Hill Town. But instead of any of these hallucinations being used to build atmosphere or effect, they are used simply as eye candy for those hungry for more Silent Hill. Anyone who actually respects the best that this franchise can offer will be sordidly pissed off about how one of the few horror series that gives such a beauty to the abject, the suffering, and the alienated has now been used to generate quick and easy eye-candy for the gluttonous masses of consuming imbeciles.
The dialogue in this is used alongside facial gestures to give these cavemen written scenes some more substance than the watered down monkey business they are offering us. Really, it is only things like "You are following me!" with a scared face or "Come back home quick.." With a concerned face. The cringiest are the scenes with the boy-toy character, absolute horse-shit.
Look... just don't watch this, especially if you are a fan of Silent Hill. It simply puts me in a bad mood knowing hat they gave 20,000,000 in budget to a guy who doesn't give a shit about a Silent Hill but who could possibly use the mainstream success to make a couple bucks.
My Score: 2/10
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