This small light is the Interior Motion of the human which propels and generates momentum over time. Unfortunately, there are many things that block this motion or try to divert it. The only thing preventing humans from being shunted along the assembly line is their own interior motion which I will designate as The Will.
With all the spread sheets, the need for a better computers, the need to make time out of time... It all seems very unhealthy to me. If we could listen to our hardware —we wouldn't have these addictions tobacco or to opiates. This addiction is highlighted as death of consumption, one of the four different death concepts expressed from out of emotion.
Firstly, in this definition, death comes from emotion and imagination. This is not a biological conception of death, this is
Here are the four different states of death concept expression
1. Suicide, An expression of Death Concept
Observed Increase in Suicides
Lifeworth loss of Responsibilities
Failure of Duty
2. Reckless Death, ''
Media Representation
Need for Observation
Accelerated Symbol
A Willful Chase
Collateral Damage
3. Murder, 1st Degree, ''
School Shootings
4. Death of Consumption, ''
Drug Addiction
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